CAI Board of Directors appoints Shireen Salti as the Executive Director

October 30, 2020

Toronto, ON – The Board of Directors of the Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) are pleased to announce the appointment of Shireen Salti to the position of Executive Director.  

“Shireen has played a pivotal role in engaging young Arab-Canadians in research and programs undertaken by CAI over the past year. She is spearheading CAI’s first peer-reviewed research study across the country and has exponentially increased the number of partners we work with. I am happy to say that we have surpassed our fundraising goals under her leadership and look forward to continued success in the years to follow,” states Abdullah Snobar, the Chair of the Board. He continues, “Shireen has brought energy and excellence to our policy research priorities and community advocacy plans. We are confident that her approach to the issues of importance to Arab-Canadian youth will create change that members of our community can benefit from in the immediate future and decades to come.”

Having already served as Interim Executive Director, she is ready to lead the work and team at CAI with a heightened focus, especially after witnessing how the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified numerous inequities among Canada’s racialized communities, including Arab-Canadians. 

Shireen Salti, Executive Director of CAI observes, “Our community is craving a sense of belonging and is looking for an organization that can amplify their voice and policy priorities.” Shireen’s new vision is one that we believe will bring about meaningful change for various marginalized groups. “As an Arab-Canadian, I believe we share common struggles that many other racialized communities have been facing across the country. The sooner we can find these commonalities and acknowledge our shared responsibility in addressing them, the sooner we can foster a collaborative approach to some of Canada’s most pressing policy issues.” 

In a joint statement, CAI’s Board of Directors shared: “We trust that Shireen is prepared to take on the responsibility of leading CAI in its newest direction towards growth and innovation. We look forward to seeing the impact her expertise will bring to the table. We are certain that her ability to foster effective partnerships and insights working in diverse sectors will allow her to amplify CAI’s reach so that it can amplify and address the needs of the vibrant and dynamic Arab-Canadian community.” 

The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) is a national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that focuses on issues and interests of the Canadian Arab community through applied research, education and community engagement. CAI celebrates and encourages Arab Canadians' participation in all social, political, cultural and economic aspects of Canadian society. The Institute strives to be the leading policy and research organization on domestic policies of concern to the Arab Canadians.

For more information, contact:

Abdullah Snobar, Chair, CAI Board of Directors -

Canadian Arab Institute